Hosting is canceled or down or suspended

Website URL


Dear admin i just requested to change php server timezone if possible but i didn’t mean to suspend my sites, i am literally shocked to see that my site is suspended for nothing. InfinityFree changed to InfinityPaid

Personally this is the only hosting i started with and still sticking to it and till yesterday it was working fine but today the freaking site has got suspended i guess literally my account is suspended


The site is not worth to be upgraded to premium nor i can make payment as I don’t make a single penny. Getting only one to two viewer mostly me, and the most crazy thing is the domain i have already advertised a little with this domain now if the domain got suspended then i have to readvertise and i guess it will take time to gain that one or two viewer. Plz admin make the site live again and if possible delete this domain: > it’s literally not working

Building multiple websites for the sole purpose of sharing pirated movies is not nothing.

Illegal content is illegal, and is not permitted on any service from us or from iFastNet.

If you think you can simply throw a few bucks a month our direction for us to look the other way while you’re very clearly breaking the law, then you’re mistaken.


But it’s literally ruthless, i spent 15 days building this page and you just seized it. I am pretty new to webbuilding or the policy and didn’t knew that it works like that, it was for increasing my yt channel sub but fie they didn’t even clicked on the link. Eventually i don’t know but can you plz unlock the site or just gave me access to backup those files, i can’t give specific times for unlocking cause here electricity cut is common and my system can shutdown at any time. And I promise i won’t upload this page anymore

Hosting companies are responsible for making sure that their servers don’t contain or provide illegal content. Regardless of your position on digital piracy, I’m sure nobody using InfinityFree wants to see it shut down.

Every webmaster should take regular backups of their content. If you didn’t, then it’s your own fault that you’ve lost it now.

Doubtful. But such questions should be addressed by opening a support ticket in your client area anyway. It’s accessible when an account has a permanent suspension.


As i said before i am not an experienced webmaster, so hositing provider should help newbies. It really took me 15 days to gather the codes and i opened a support ticket too but i opened it as suspension topic.

InfinityFree helps “newbies” by making the service easy to use and providing a site builder. That doesn’t mean they have to give you access to data from an account that was suspended for illegal activity.

Regardless of your experience level, you should have read the TOS when signing up. Not reading the terms isn’t a valid reason for violating them. Section 5 tells you not to commit copyright infringement, or violate trademark law.


If you ask for them in the support ticket, you can probably get backups of your account. Only in cases of very severe abuse do we neither reactivate the account nor provide backups, and I don’t think that this is one of those cases.

And since you’re new, you’ve learned a few things today:

  • Movie piracy is illegal.
  • Hosting providers do not tolerate illegal content.
  • If hosting providers don’t accept your website, they make take it down and lock you out of your data.
  • Always keep your own backups.

We indeed try to make building a website easy. That doesn’t mean that we’ll support you regardless of what you’re building.


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