Hit limit and reset


I am wondering about the 50,000 hit limit, does anyone know when the counter reset? Is there a fixed time like midnight UK time (server location)?
Also, i notice the Statistics section refresh every x minutes but does anyone know how long it takes between 2 refreshes?
I run a quite heavy website sending hits to a lots of images everytime and i wouldn’t want my website deactivated without being able to do something about it.
Finally, is there a way to know how many hits my website sends everytime it uses my AJAX function?

Thanks for you time and responses!


I don’t think Admin has disclosed that before because I couldn’t find any post about it. But I do know it doesn’t update in real time.

Each AJAX request counts as a hit.


Thanks for your answer!

I am aware but since each image, css file, javascript file, etc… count as a hit, on bigger project like mine, it’s hard to count each hit one by one so i was wondering if there was a way to try and see the numbers in real time.


You should use an external site to host your images if you are that concerned.

I’m also not quite sure what you would do even if the number was a live-update. Would you really watch it 24/7? What would you do if it came close to the limit?


I would know exactly how much visits i can have on my website before the deactivation and balance my marketing strategy with that information and i would also know if i ever need to buy a starter premium upgrade or if that would just be a waste of money since the hit limit is the only thing that would benefit me.

You can use analytics scripts such as Google Analytics to track how many visitors your site gets. Unfortunately, nothing is 100% accurate on account that such scripts are easily blocked by adblockers, but it would still be a far better way to track the number of visitors to your site than by trying to divide by the number of hits you get. In addition, if you have a custom domain and use Cloudflare, Cloudflare can tell you how many unique visitors your site gets per day.

I would recommend you simply wait and see if your site uses enough hits to justify upgrading. When you upgrade to premium iFastNet can migrate your account for you, even if it’s suspended for hitting the hits limit. That way it’ll come back online without you having to wait the full 24 hours.


All I know we promise is that the hit counter is reset every 24 hours. As for how and when it is reset, I don’t know.

So I can’t tell you:

  • When the counter is reset.
  • If the counter is reset at the same time for all accounts, or different per account.
  • If this is subject to change.

What I can tell you is that 50,000 hits per day is for peak usage only. If you have consistently high hits usage, that’s also considered overloading.

So if you want to know so you can push your account to the limits, please don’t, because you’ll be in for a bad surprise if you do.


I tried hosting them on github and i still get the same amount of hit. Hence the reason why i was wondering if we could get the hit provenance when people use one’s website…

If you setup the code correctly, those hits would have been triggered by something else. Calls to an external domain not count as hits because they never reach the free hosting server.


Does it take some time to set up the hits back to normal? Cuz so many hits per visit when every single JS File, CSS File, AJAX call and image are sent towards github lmao, the website and the internal directories aren’t called a single time in any file.

When you load your website, check the DevTools “Network” section and see exactly what requests are made.


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