Hey people, I made a music website html and css

Now it works! So the rel="shortcut icon" made it work.


Well the id i added and href=“favicon.ico?” question mark at the end of that

You did the right thing, as the ? in the end of the URL will force browsers to look at the updated file right away, so there’s no need to clear the browser cache for the favicon to be shown.


You can also do:
favicon.ico?v=<?php echo intval(filemtime('/path/to/favicon.ico')); ?>

This way you can ensure that the cached version is always refreshed once you have replaced the original icon file without updating the source code again.


I would recommend against that for the OP. From my understanding of the topic, the OP has an HTML site. Adding in PHP just for that is going to add unnecessary server load, and increase load time as well.


Thought some PHP is there, keep in track using version number then.


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Hey people google shows my name properly now in search website :slight_smile:


Good for you :+1:


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I am using XAMPP for editing style css and websites before uploading. I am using a mp3 player php/mysql script and also login script and they are pretty safe, I put a password using php/mysql script on uploading so no one else can upload music to my website, the renovation is not finished yet

I made some progress today, but it will take time to edit those scripts, not upload it yet

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The website renovation is done, the music link menu is on the right of the website its a dropdown menu I have added music to Music Link 1, and then click in submenu Music Player 1, I’m going to continue adding music I already made, then I’m going to continue making more music


I did some tinkering with my website today, I had to clear cache in my browser to renew the text thing to appear


yet again I was tinkering with my website and I fixed the style text, looks good on computers and looks good on phones to, no need to clear cache, just click refresh if your on my site :slight_smile:

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The renovation is done, all of my music is uploaded, I’m going to make more music soon

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hey people how is everyone? I just renewed the free ssl certificate for my website :slight_smile: I’m going to make more music soon