Hey people, I made a music website html and css


Thanks Oxy I fixed the error

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I don’t see that you have changed anything, but you have other errors that I have not mentioned.

don’t use backslash \ but /


It is best for you to copy the source and paste it here on the validator

before Google starts indexing your site.


yey google is finally crawling my robots.txt files I can also request recrawl I saved this as robots.txt file on my computer and upload it to my website and put it in htdocs :slight_smile:

Here is the code

Sitemap: your website link here with /index.html

I read it can take a month for the website to be indexed

Sometimes much longer :smile:

Remember to add a website link in your YT channel (Customization - Basic info - Links)
and maybe on every video description.

You can use AI to generate some introductory text for your website, if you have no ideas,
but you definitely need as much text as possible about yourself and your music
so that when someone comes to the site, they have something to do there, not just an mp3 player.

Also uses images, etc.


the music is there in mp3 player there is a playlist to. I have added more information in index.html text

throw this part out

then name this button PLAYER / PLAYLIST /STREAMING / AUDIO …etc

Choose the right name for button right away
instead of the user wondering what it is for and having to read the instructions in the text.

the text below the welcome message should be in a smaller font size

AI gen text - click me

Welcome to the website of Lukasz Tarkowski, a composer and producer of electronic music. Lukasz Tarkowski is a versatile and innovative artist who explores the boundaries of sound and music in various genres and formats. Whether you are a fan, a collaborator, or a curious listener, you will discover the unique and original musical world of Lukasz Tarkowski. Enjoy!

who likes to experiment with sounds and styles. Whether it’s ambient, techno, glitch, or IDM, Lukasz Tarkowski has something for everyone who appreciates creative and original music. He has been making music since he was a teenager, and has never stopped exploring new possibilities and challenges.

You can also listen to some of his tracks and watch some of his videos. You will discover the unique and original musical world of Lukasz Tarkowski, a world where sound is art and art is sound. Enjoy!


Where can I find the ai generator for website?

e.g. Bing

You can also tell it to make you an HTML web page with XY text, colors,etc. :smile:

and then you only request from the AI later
I want this part smaller or larger
this right or left etc.


I will try to use your code thanks Oxy

Why is my text on top and my menu button on bottom? I would like the menu button on top and the menu a bit on bottom not alot text on bottom in red color,

  • I will continue to work toomarow

 body {background-color: black;}
.button {
  float: left;
  background-color: #000000;
  border: none;
  color: red;
  padding: 15px 32px;
  text-align: center;
  text-decoration: none;
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 38px;
  margin: 185px 15px;
  cursor: pointer;

<a href="#" class="button">Music 1 Player Here</a>


<h1 style="color:red;">I am red</p>

I assume it’s because you set the top and bottom margin to 185px. Please learn HTML and CSS as we cannot debug all your code for you:

You can also search on online resources such as StackOverflow. I don’t suggest you post such trivial questions there because your question will be closed. Instead, search for already existing questions because chances are, your question was answered years ago.


yey it worked thanks YT_Xaos

I also noticed you have an anchor tag in the head element. Metadata, scripts, and styles should be the only things in your head tag. Everything visible to the user should be inside the body tag. Please refer to the HTML validator that Oxy provided you with:


Here is the fixed html and css code

 body {background-color: black;}
.button {
  background-color: #000000;
  border: none;
  color: red;
  padding: 2px 2px;
  text-align: center;
  text-decoration: none;
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 38px;
  margin: 85px -6px;
  cursor: pointer;

p {
  font-size: 35px;
  p {
  color: red;


<a href="Link Here" class="button">Button Name Here</a>

<p>Welcome To Website Of Lukasz Tarkowski</p>

<p>I am a music composer and I compose electronic music,  I like Electronic music by Jean Michael Jarre</p>




It’s not my code but just an example of what AI can do (it’s code from AI).


you are missing </html> at the bottom

and this </head> should go before <body> and not in the place where you put it


Fixed the errors Thanks Oxy I edited the last post

it’s wrong - you don’t understand

everything you want to be seen (text, images, links, etc.)
need to go to the body section - you didn’t even open it

and besides, your content is in the head section instead of the body



I think you should put a bit more time into learning HTML syntax. The closing of the head tag should come before the start of the body tag.
Here is what you should have:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     body {background-color: black;}
    .button {
      background-color: #000000;
      border: none;
      color: red;
      padding: 2px 2px;
      text-align: center;
      text-decoration: none;
      display: inline-block;
      font-size: 38px;
      margin: 85px -6px;
      cursor: pointer;
    p {
      font-size: 35px;
      color: red;
  <a href="Link Here" class="button">Button Name Here</a>

  <p>Welcome To Website Of Lukasz Tarkowski</p>

  <p>I am a music composer and I compose electronic music,  I like Electronic music by Jean Michael Jarre</p>