I created a free hosting account on greekchat.free.nf and after the site was ready i bought a domain. I used the option parked domain to point to my site. So something i don’t understand now is whether both sites should be accessible. I am guessing i cannot delete greekchat.free.nf because the new domain points there. But on the other hand someone can use both domains?
Right. I see now. Well i went to try this but when opening file manager it takes me the home of greekchat.free.nf and i dont see an option to navigate into the new domain’s files. Which makes sense since there isn’t any; it’s just a domain pointing to somewhere else.
You’ll have to delete the new domain in control panel / client area first, then add the new domain back to your account. This should create the folder chitchat.gr/htdocs, then you’ll be able to move the files.