Gmail & MyBB Finally got it working, here's how

I was finally able to get myBB working with smtp@ gmail. It seems that since I am a new member of this message board, I am not allowed to post anything but 2 links… Check out my solution here.

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I’m an IT Tech but I am new to MyBB, please keep that in mind.

I have searched through the net and did not find anything to help me get setup with MyBB hosted on Infinity Free, using Smtp.Gmail.Com.

Here is what I did.

  1. Configure your Google profile (the one used for sending SMTP email from MyBB) with 2 factor authentication.
  2. Go to google App Passwords in your Google profile properties.
  3. Add the app name and copy the generated password.
  4. Configure MyBB Admin CP> Configuration > Mail Settings. Add the following details;
    -Mail Handler: SMTP
    -Smtp Hostname: “GMAIL HOST”
    -Smtp Port: 587
    -Smtp Username: [email protected]
    -Smtp Password: “The generated App Password from Google”
    -Smtp Encryption Mode: TLS Encryption
    -Save Settings.

**When I had my admin Email Address configured as the same as my [email protected] it would not send out emails. I switched it for another address and it seemed to resolve the issue. **I honestly cant say if this step is necessary or not… As is said, it seemed to work for me.

Note: The quickest way I found to send an email in MyBB is to go back to the forum and select a thread, Then select “Send this Thread to a Friend”. The message should arrive promptly.

**If it does not work; I suggest you use this SMTP tester. SMTP Tester
In the tester page;
-Select all the available options and enable logging, Your error should be clearly listed in the log.

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Aren’t app passwords depreciated? Not sure everywhere but it’s not available anymore in India…

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No … and I don’t think they ever will be unless a good alternative comes around.


While testing various settings to make myBB work sending email, the log from the SMTP tests would not accept the password. I tried everyway I could imagine. The app password is accepted by Gmail and the solution works. If you find another way for mybb & Gmail to work I would like to hear about it.

its available in India too, works perfectly for me on smtp mails with phpmailer.

if possible share exact code screenshot masking credentials, that would enable to examine exact issue.

Alright, I didn’t see the 2 step verification part.


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