FTP Conection Error GNU TLS 110

Username epiz_29415939


Error Message

Estado: Conectando a…
Estado: Conexión establecida, esperando el mensaje de bienvenida…
Respuesta: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
Respuesta: 220-You are user number 270 of 6900 allowed.
Respuesta: 220-Local time is now 16:49. Server port: 21.
Respuesta: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
Respuesta: 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
Comando: AUTH TLS
Respuesta: 234 AUTH TLS OK.
Estado: Inicializando TLS…
Traza: TLS Handshake successful
Traza: Protocol: TLS1.2, Key exchange: RSA, Cipher: AES-256-GCM, MAC: AEAD
Estado: Verificando certificado…
Estado: Conexión TLS establecida.
Comando: USER epiz_29415939
Respuesta: 331 User epiz_29415939 OK. Password required
Comando: PASS **************
Respuesta: 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
Respuesta: 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
Comando: OPTS UTF8 ON
Respuesta: 200 OK, UTF-8 enabled
Comando: PBSZ 0
Respuesta: 200 PBSZ=0
Comando: PROT P
Respuesta: 200 Data protection level set to private
Estado: Registrado en
Traza: Measured latency of 233 ms
Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio…
Comando: PWD
Respuesta: 257 / is your current location
Comando: TYPE I
Respuesta: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Comando: PASV
Respuesta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (185,27,134,11,201,143)
Traza: Binding data connection source IP to control connection source IP
Traza: Trying to resume existing TLS session.
Comando: MLSD
Error: Error GnuTLS -110: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
Estado: El servidor no cerró la conexión TLS adecuadamente
Error: No se pudo establecer la conexión de datos: ECONNABORTED - Conexión abortada
Error: La conexión superó el tiempo de espera después de 20 segundos de inactividad
Error: Error al recuperar el listado del directorio

Other Information

I always have this error. Even I can´t see the site directory. I need the site right now but is down due to a database error. I’m using FTP in Windows.

Did you read this topic?

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yes i know. But affect FTP too?

Thank you for sharing the logs.

The connection to the FTP server looks fairly normal, but it looks like the FTP connection fails after switching to passive mode. Could you try changing the FTP connection mode from Passive to Active and see if that helps?

You can find the setting in the menu Edit → Settings → FTP → Transfer Mode.

Estado: Conectando a…
Estado: Conexión establecida, esperando el mensaje de bienvenida…
Estado: Inicializando TLS…
Estado: Verificando certificado…
Estado: Conexión TLS establecida.
Estado: Registrado en
Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio…
Comando: PWD
Respuesta: 257 / is your current location
Comando: TYPE I
Respuesta: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Comando: PORT 192,168,100,7,215,209
Respuesta: 500 I won’t open a connection to (only to
Error: Error al recuperar el listado del directorio
Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio /…
Comando: CDUP
Respuesta: 250 OK. Current directory is /
Comando: PWD
Respuesta: 257 / is your current location
Comando: PORT 192,168,100,7,215,211
Respuesta: 500 I won’t open a connection to (only to
Error: Error al recuperar el listado del directorio
Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio /…
Comando: PORT 192,168,100,7,215,212
Respuesta: 500 I won’t open a connection to (only to
Error: Error al recuperar el listado del directorio
Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio /…
Comando: PORT 192,168,100,7,215,213
Respuesta: 500 I won’t open a connection to (only to
Error: Error al recuperar el listado del directorio

@Admin it says failed to get directory listing

My language is spanish. But it says what mokka said. Changing to active mode do something, but still cannot see my files.

Try replacing ftpupload.net with ftp.epizy.com. Ignore any SSL warnings that appear.

Do the same. With the same error.

Try this:


Yes I tried this before.The only thing I don t try is login with a vpn

If FTP is banned in your country use VPN to bypass the restriction

Interesting, I have not seen this error before.

The strange thing is that the error shows confusion between an internal and a regular IP address. This makes me suspect that something is going wrong in the NAT connection handling at the boundary from your internal home/work/school network and the internet.

So you can check your router’s settings for an FTP ALG option and try toggling that, or connect over a VPN instead.

(by the way, you should switch to Passive mode, it wasn’t the issue)

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Your website is suspended

yeah…i even can´t access it but it get suspended. I’m not the only one.

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