FTP can't connect to server


(please specify the website or account you are asking about)

Can’t connect to server

(please share the FULL error message you see)

I have two websites (epiz_32080819, epiz_32736287) and I can’t connect to the ftp server (…)

Status: Resolving address of ftpupload.net
Status: Connecting to…
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Could not connect to server

(other information and details relevant to your question)

Please provide the full ftp log

What is your hosting IP?


2023-01-18 09:53:06 15600 1 Status: Resolving address of ftpupload.net
2023-01-18 09:53:06 15600 1 Status: Connecting to…
2023-01-18 09:53:26 15600 1 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
2023-01-18 09:53:26 15600 1 Error: Could not connect to server
2023-01-18 09:53:26 15600 1 Status: Waiting to retry…
2023-01-18 09:53:31 15600 1 Status: Resolving address of ftpupload.net
2023-01-18 09:53:31 15600 1 Status: Connecting to…
2023-01-18 09:53:51 15600 1 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
2023-01-18 09:53:51 15600 1 Error: Could not connect to server

website ip:

You are not showing the full log.

Good luck!


Looking at the logs, it seems like it’s just impossible to establish an FTP connection from your device.

Could you please try to connect over a VPN instead? If that works, it means there is a firewall blocking your access to our FTP server (or maybe FTP in general).


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