Free SSL Certificate CNAME Records

Username: Lan-DIY


I have tried unsuccessfully to update the CNAME records with Domain Registrar ( but I’m not sure if I am putting the information in the correct cells as the titles for the records are different:

Can you tell me what record goes into each cell?

Many thanks.

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To point your domain here, do the following.

  1. Type @ in the Host Name box.
  2. Select type A in the Type box.
  3. Type 3306 in the TTL box.
  4. Type in the IP from your client area. It will look about like this:

On the second line, do this:

  1. Type www in the Host Bame box.
  2. Select type CNAME in the Type box.
  3. Type 3306 in the TTL box.
  4. Type @ in the Content box.

Hopefully this helps. Let me know if you need any help!


Hi, thanks for the advice, however after following your guidelines I got an error message identifying the boxes in red as invalid.

Instead of using @, type in your domain instead, like this:


Cheers, I’ll try that.

What do I do with this information below?

For starters, you should see the blue banner there. It says you’re using our nameservers and so need to set the CNAME records through our control panel. With a link to find instructions.

Nothing you configure on your registrar’s nameservers will change anything because you’re not using their nameservers.


Thank you, problem solved. Help was very much appreciated.


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