Form Post doesn't work as related to server software updates

**My website URL is: **

**What I’m seeing is: MYSQL update command with PHP’s POST system doesn’t work. **

I’m using this software: WAMP SERVER, Opera browser

Additional information:

I can’t update my database through PHP Post because MYSQL update command with PHP’s POST system doesn’t work as it was also happened to my local host on my own PC. When I installed the latest version of my local host Server program, my problem was solved.

I’m sorry, but I don’t fully understand what your stack looks like.

You’re running a WAMP server on your own computer? And I suppose you’re trying to store the data in the database of your hosting account?

If so, that’s not possible I’m afraid. Our database servers can only be connected to from within our network, which means you can only use it from within the PHP code on your hosting account and our phpMyAdmin installation. Remote MySQL access is a feature which is only available with premium hosting.

Yes you almost understood. I’m trying to update database via PHP code but using by Post method doesn’t work while it works on my own PC, it also happened on my own PC for the localhost but when i’ve unistalled old wamp server and installed latest version of wamp server, the problem was fixed. So I suspected of the current host, is that possible to update the server software which the infinityfree host uses?

I fixed this after deleting .htaccess, thank you, have a nice day

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