Forking a FANDOM wiki though MediaWiki?

Good day everyone. I am planning on forking a Fandom wiki through MediaWiki using InfinityFree. My wiki xml file isn’t that big (17 MB with ~250 pages) and the traffic for the wiki isn’t too large either. Are there things I need to know about while going through with this process? I only really need it to have wiki pages, create new accounts, and be able to edit pages.

MediaWiki is quite big already, so adding too much data to it may overload your account.

Also, the max file size is 10MB, so you’ll probably have to split the XML file into multiple parts to upload it if the uploaded file is parsed by the server.


I also have a smaller xml file of the wiki (1.8 MB) with just the current pages (no edit history). Would that work instead?

Won’t know till you try it!


Do you have any other tips I should know about for creating/hosting a MediaWiki site through InfintyFree? I’m a beginner in this sort of thing.

Unfortunately no, I’ve never run a MediaWiki install (Either on free hosting or somewhere else) so I don’t really have any advice other then what I’ve already said.


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