I have installed the ‘convertful’ plugin in the above wordpress site prasenc.free.nf & have also installed the SSL certificate but still I can’t connect to convertful. I have no other plugins installed in my site. So I want to know whether any firewall connection from your side is blocking the connection?
(other information and details relevant to your question)
Dear Sir,
I’m not a technical person so can’t understand all these technical things… kindly tell me please in yes or no , if it is possible to connect to convertful? I went through the article you posted but it went over my head.
That is rude on your part. I am not a business person & just a student hosting this site as part of a project… Will it cost you so much to say a ‘Yes or No’ ?? I am really astonished!!
Then learn about the security system, and figure out the difference between a browser and an API access attempt. This “just tell me yes or no” attitude won’t get you a long way.