Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL
Error Message
The connection for this site is not secure sent an invalid response.
ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR sent an invalid response.
Working now
Its not
Yup broke again
Same problem for me too use this instead:
Another FTP based on Web
It was a bit flaky for me too. But a single reload usually fixed it.
Which browser are you using?
In my case y using Safari and Google Chrome
And still continue with the the problem
Odd. I’m using Firefox and it’s working fine for me.
I gonna try Firefox, that is best way?
I’m new in this, so if you have a good advices are very appreciated
i am using google chrome it is working
try like this
filemanager is not working.shows ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR.please help
It works fine from my side.
Now I using Firefox, look good!
Please, have this in mind: FTP Connection Problems - #6 by Ergastolator1
Them issues have gone.
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