Fake traffic counters

I have only 2 registered web users. If you are not registered and accepted by me, you can see nothing on my web.

Infinityfree has blocked my webside because of over traffic in their opinion…

So I think, their traffic counters, count every page reloading. It means, If I am on my page, and reload it, it treats me as the new person. In this way, they can block everyone - AND WANT MONEY FOR PREMIUM ACCOUNT.

I’ve had a forum here using Flarum for several months now that (according to Cloudflare) averages about 30 unique visitors a day (which does not count reloads), and has had over 700 different visitors in the past 30 days. Yet, I have never been suspended for hitting any of the daily limits.

The idea of free hosting is that your website is lightweight enough that it doesn’t use more resources than the free plan has been allotted. And InfinityFree is more generous on how much RAM and CPU power a single hosting account can use compared to most other free hosts.

You likely either need to optimize your site, or upgrade to premium so it has more resources available to it. That’s simply how life is. Alternatively, you could spin up a web server on your own computer or server and run it yourself.


First of all, I would like to inform you and everyone else reading this: I checked your accounts and I see one of them was suspended for reaching the CPU limit.

And while CPU usage is affected by the traffic to your website, it’s also affected by what’s on your website. CPU usage measures CPU usage, and CPU usage is not equal to traffic.

You seem to completely misunderstand what the limit actually measures.

CPU usage measures the processing power used by the server to generate the page that’s sent to browsers.

When your browser requests a page from your hosting account, it needs to execute code to do it, especially if you use PHP. That code execution takes processing effort, and that’s what’s being measured.

And if you reload a page, then your browser will request the page from the server again. So the server needs to execute your code again, which generates more CPU usage.

So yes, if you reload the page, it generates more CPU usage. That’s not because we consider it to be a different “person”, but because every page uses CPU power, so every page request is tracked for CPU usage.

All hosting has limits. If you hit the limits, you will get issues. To solve that, you could switch to a bigger hosting package or service, which usually means higher costs too.

And a bigger package with higher costs when coming from a free plan means it’s not free anymore.

This is exactly the same with all hosting of any kind. I’m not sure what else you expected.


yeah yeah. And you have msql for the people? If you have mysql, I need php to connect with database. And I can’t do it, cause it push me to pay. Why do you call : Infinityfree?

Ok. I just delete my account. It’s not worthy for my nerves.

See ya. Bad luck!

I was using your server just for develop my knowledge about webmastering. Just for exercisie. Not to earn money. I’m disabled person and I need to spend a time in any good way. And I can’t do it here. Cause you are, what you are…

Free hosting has both MySQL and PHP, so I’m not entirely sure your point there.

It’s also free, so if you are claiming a free service is “not worth your money”, remember the fact that it is in fact free, you’re not paying anything.


Mate. Read it carfully. It was just kind of “traffic registery system” for ETS2 game. Just put in data and read it from mysql. It wasn’t any big thing. One site, with 3 parts. Registered trips, register trip to ets2, register trip to ats. Nothing else. If this site can block cpu, so I don’t know if there is any website, that can’t do this… really. Maybe any static web, with letters only and nothin more… Just for school pupils? Just say about it. Don’t be shamed. I’ve lost too much time to build mysql data, just for… nothin… cause you’ve blocked me… many times. It was not the first time. Even when I had almost nothing on this web, you did the same thing… Don;t make yourself the honest saints! Infinity free is just a publicity stunt - just eye catching. Nothing more… advertisement.

Sorry that you’ve had a bad experience, but IF can host larger websites.

I’ve hosted a WordPress WooCommerce store for a few months, and quite a few PHP/MySQL programs over the years as well.

Most likely, your code is not optimized (memory leaks, accidental recursion, etc), or you were hit with a lot of requests from bots (also entirely possible).

If you want to go host somewhere else, by all means do it, but if you want good quality hosting without paying, that’s just impossible.


ok. lets make a little discussion about it. php include once is heavy? reload when you send data to mysql is heavy? there was nothing more.

Include once to load any site part - for example if I click on ETS2 - go to ets2 part - WITHOUT RELOADING. Just go down to the part.

reloading was only at the beginning and after data send to mysql.

What was such a heavy thing? Many things was made by javascript - not php even…

What was wrong in Your opinion?

to add to this, admin is 100% correct, the counters count exactly what is used no ‘fake data’, if you use free and it doesn’t work for you then feel free to leave as there is no commitment. That said your code is probably the cause and we simply host your code and do not optimize it for your workload while the counters count.


Read above please. Concrete things please. Don’t explain me that you want to earn money and its normal. Bla bla bla. Concertes. Just prove me, what was wrong. Don’t say it surley was. Prove it next time. I have all files on my SSD Disc. I can show it even if you want… Just show me what was wrong. Cause this is discussion about - its your fault and it is - cause I said that: Admin.

Nobody is going to do a full analysis of your code for free because you got suspended on a service you are not paying for. If you pay me, I will be happy to take a look at your code and let you know where the issue most likely is.

BTW, arguing here is going to change absolutely nothing. Here’s what you can do:

  • Ask someone to look at your code and see if the issue can be found
  • Continue using the service knowing there is probably an issue with your code
  • Move to a different hosting service

No matter what you choose, this discussion will be closed if this current discussion continues. The original question you asked has been resolved to the best of our ability.


I’m sorry, but I can’t prove anything.

The CPU limit just tracks how much time and effort the server’s processor spends on executing your website code. That generates a metric for the total number of CPU seconds used by an account. If the number of CPU seconds used exceeds a certain limit, that will trigger the suspension.

This system doesn’t record what code is being executed or who is making the request that causes the CPU usage. As far as I know, it’s technically impossible to correlate such data. Premium hosting is a little bit more informative, but even there it doesn’t point out where your CPU usage is coming from because it’s impossible to record in a reliable and sustainable way.

I would absolutely love the ability to be able to tell anyone who has trouble with the CPU limit things like “in file X there is code Y that does Z, but that’s not efficient, so if you change that your CPU usage is solved”. But the reality is that measuring and recording isn’t free and some things just can’t be monitored sustainably.

And no, you can’t just look at a piece of code and see how much CPU time it would generate. Especially when different requests might hit different code paths with different data, which could all generate different CPU usage.

But CPU time is a simple metric that’s easily recorded with standard operation system features. What we record is correct. Even if it doesn’t come with a smoking gun that proves exactly what you did wrong that caused the high CPU usage.

Just because you don’t understand a metric doesn’t mean it’s fake. And just because we can’t tell you why exactly your website generated high CPU usage doesn’t mean that it didn’t.

Or if you think that CPU usage can be proven in any, can you prove that your website didn’t hit the CPU limits?

Regardless, it seems clear that your website is using too much CPU power for our hosting. You can have the opinion that the metric makes no sense or that our data is fake. But no matter whether the metric is real or not: you can’t host this website with us anymore.

What you do next is up to you. We recommend getting a premium account at iFastNet, but if you don’t trust us, I can totally understand why you’d want to go somewhere else.

If so, I wish you best of luck with your new hosting provider.


I want to delete website and whole account. But I can’t cause you need time to delete it. I have wasted my time here, and I will adviceeveryone not to work with ya See ya

You can delete the website right away, but fully deleting the account is not possible. That shouldn’t prevent you from reusing the domains elsewhere thought.


So sad when read this thread, but…In my opinion, you should use MEMCACHED to optimized your code and good luck. See ya

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Thanks for any advice, but I’ve lost whole the database, when i deleted Wordpress, so time for the new website, but not on IF. I want to have website, not problems. Thats too much. Admin : you can erase my posts here. Its not worthy to talk to someone, who is always right, even if isn’t. Your toys, your fun. Stay away from me.