Facebook Opengraph Meta

Adding a page link rather than my site URL as I know this page is correctly displaying OG Meta


Unfortunately Facebook cannot see the og: and cannot build a preview.

Using the Facebook debugger Sharing Debugger - Meta for Developers

I get an error 403 : This response code could be due to a robots.txt block. Please allowlist facebookexternalhit on your sites robots.txt config to utilize Facebook scraping

I am using Yoast and have even modified my robots.tx but to no avail. Is this being blocked by hosting ??

Opengraphs tags doesn’t works properly due to this security system:

and you can’t use Facebook’s scraping because their bots also get blocked by this security system.


Thanks for your reply !!

Whilst I understand why it’s not optimised for API integration, a website that can’t be shared on Social Media is kinda pointless.

But I appreciate your response.

Guess there’s no such thing as free hosting lol

Use Cloudflare and then you won’t have problems with our security protection because the traffic coming through CF is not subject to protection (hosting trusts CF).

The advantage of CF, apart from the mentioned problem with FB, is that your website will work much faster (CDN), TLS certificates are automatically renewed and installed, complete control related to email and necessary txt data, hundreds of other things.


Thanks @Oxy that seems to be a reasonable solution !!


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