Every time i enter my website, few seconds later a differnt ip enter my site as well

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i logged to my php file i created as test to record the visits to my site, and i saw that every time 5 seconds after i visit, and different IP (which doesnt belong to me) visit the site as well. what it can be? is the IP belong to infinityfree? for example, one of the ip’s is:

another ips are:

why everytime i access my page, another ips acceesing them as well.

If you’re concerned about unknown visitors accessing your website, then I’m sorry to say that you may just have opened Pandora’s box by posting the link here. This forum is highly visited by bots and crawlers who may also check sites that are posted here.

As for who is accessing your website or why, I can’t tell. Checking the WHOIS information of those three IP addresses, they are all owned by Israeli companies. But I have no idea what that would mean for your website.


i live in israel as well. but the ip address i posted doesnt belong to me or to my isp. its happens only in the rf.gd domain. when i use other infinityfree domains its doesnt happen. what it can be?

Again, I don’t know. I don’t know who is accessing your website and I don’t know why they do it. Your guess is as good as mine.

And in case you were wondering, no, I don’t know of any meaningful differences between free subdomains that could explain why one is being accessed but the other isn’t.


My opinion, rf.gd is such a popular domain for works that aren’t permitted on InfinityFree, that this domain is monitored by others, like bots. @midj1980 I wouldn’t worry about these IPs, unless you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing on free hosting. I have bots and curious visitors visit my websites, and I don’t mind.

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