Even though there is nothing on my website, it detects it as a scam and closes it


Your account is Suspended

Hello, although there is no problem with my code, the fraud system perceives me as a fraudster and closes my website. I opened support twice and this happened again. How should I update my code?


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      <div class="profile-card__name">Hasan Altay</div>
      <div class="profile-card__txt">Hyundai Tucson <strong>16 BIG 990</strong></div>
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If your account was permanently suspended, please open a support ticket as instructed in the client area. We can’t help you here.

Also, note that any file on your site could have triggered the suspension, not necessarily the files you shared.


Hello, this happens every time. Can you check that there is a problem in my code? Why does the system detect it like this?

What do you mean “every time”. How often are you getting suspended? What exactly are you being suspended for?


I upload the code again and the account is always suspended. I have sent you the code 3 times so far and there is nothing in the code.

Amazing, you already told me that three times. Can you please answer the question I asked? If you don’t want to provide that info, fine, but then I can’t help you.



my account is suspended at permanently and There are no other files on my site other than these

Then what I said in my first post applies:


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