Error Trying To Set Up vBulletin

Hello, I’m facing an interesting error when I try to install vBulletin onto my server.

Here is the error I get:

Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/[redacted]) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:…:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear:/home/[redacted]) in …/vb/vb.php on line 265 vB_Utility_Functions::setPhpTimeout(): Return value must be of type bool, null returned

It seems like there is both a warning and an error. I’m not sure how to proceed in diagnosing the issue and my searching online hasn’t provided any leads as far as I could find.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

Hi and welcome to the forum

Your error is mentioned here

But maybe it’s nulled (cracked) soft, so I wouldn’t be surprised why it doesn’t work


Thank you very much for your response and for finding that post. I actually have a valid license to use the software so I do not believe that is the issue.

I also was able to find that post and I couldn’t really make sense of what was being talked about and it seems like the issue was moved to a support ticket.

Is open_basedir a php setting I could change if I had premium hosting?


So I looked more into it and learned that open_basedir is a restriction that prevents files from being written outside of htdocs. Here’s the error I’m getting again, but this time I’m including more information:

Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/vol14_3/ is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:…:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear:/home/vol14_3/[redacted]/htdocs) in …/vb/vb.php on line 265 vB_Utility_Functions::setPhpTimeout(): Return value must be of type bool, null returned

It’s just interesting because it doesn’t seem to be trying to write outside of htdocs, at least based on what I, a total novice, can see. I wonder why the open_basedir restriction is kicking in. Am I missing something here? Thank you.

EDIT2: Follow up question: I am using cloudflare DNS. Could that be related?

Hi Hypothesis,

Your application is definately trying something outside of the htdocs folder, it’s actually reading the parent folder for files, which is similar to Laravel. To solve this, all your files must be inside the htdocs and you need to create an .htaccess file to point request to the entry index.php. Depending on how you application is structured you might need to provide more information.

Cloudflare is not related to the issue here.



It’s not trying to write outside of the htdocs. But the open_basedir restrictions prevents any access outside the htdocs folder, including reading files, listing files or checking if files exists.

And looking at the error message:

This tells me that your software is trying to check if the directory /home/vol14_3/ exists. And it does, but your code is not allowed to look there. Because that path is outside of your hosting account to begin with.


the user was able to install it after the given instructions
but later he had another problem (logging into the admin interface) so he was directed to contact customer support


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