Error: Site can’t be reached


(please specify the website or account you are asking about)

Error Message

This site can’t be reached

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My website, after deleting every data and removing from cloudflare always states DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN in the chrome. From internet I came to know that my DNS address is not provided by infinityfree. In this situation what can I do?

Clear cache

Of my browser? Or of my website?

Browser of course

Thanks. But, I have tried that. No luck

Restart your system or open CMD with admin rights and run this one by one:
ipconfig release next ipconfig renew. Note your internet may get disconnected, but it will automatically connect back after running the second command.

Yes, already tried the command prompt trick.
Unfortunately, the same problem exists.

Um, I don’t think that is a solution to this error.

@TonmoyDas, please make sure the ONLY nameservers on your domain are and

The domain’s nameserver are already set to IF’s

I had already set the NS to IF’s when my website was up and running. However, I deleted my website from cloudflare, because it was posing some issues with the https contents.

It has been about 24 hours from which this happened.

For reconfirmation I also looked at the NS of my website, which is the nameservers you have mentioned.

Note that it does take ~72 hours to propagate. Your name-servers are not completely set yet (See link below).


try removing the domain from our system and adding it again
because as far as I can see no IP has been assigned for your domain by the server
and then with the action above you will force the server to refresh the data


Let’s see if it resolves after 72 hours.

Okay. So, based on my limited knowledge, I should do it from the>Account settings>Addon Domain - right?

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Yep! Simply delete it from there, than re-connect it.


Thanks! I am going to try that then :slightly_smiling_face:


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