Error on using uploaded theme

Website URL


Error Message

Notice : Undefined index: dance-studio_ilightbox_skin in /home/vol14_1/ on line 113

Notice : Undefined index: dance-studio_button_font_line_height in /home/vol14_1/ on line 181

Notice : Undefined index: dance-studio_default_link in /home/vol14_1/ on line 190


Other Information


I’m trying to upload a bought theme:
Dance Studio - WordPress Theme for Dancing Schools & Clubs by cmsmasters (

I’ve downloaded the wordpress zip file, extracted it, and used FileZilla to copy it to the “/htdocs/wp-content/themes” folder. After doing that, I saw that the theme name (folder name) showed up in the cpanel’s “Managed Themes”, so I could activate it.

When accessing the site, I get a lot of these errors above (DEBUG mode) and I’m stuck.
What can I do next?

Kind regards,

It seems to me like that theme is broken, or at least your installation of it is. But I don’t know that theme, so I don’t know the code or common errors.

If you just bought the theme from Themeforest, you get 6 months of support from the developer of the theme. If so, I recommend to contact the developer of the theme, as they should know more about this.

But since you’re using a $49 WordPress theme on $0 hosting, I would like to remind you that using illegal/pirated themes is very dangerous, very illegal, and very prohibited on our hosting.



Thanks for the reply. Tried to uninstall and reinstall again a couple of times and then from the wp-admin saw that there were some plugins that were missing. Once I’ve added them from the bought package, it is now working and need to start creating my pages.

“But since you’re using a $49 WordPress theme on $0 hosting, I would like to remind you that using illegal/pirated themes is very dangerous, very illegal, and very prohibited on our hosting.”

Wait, I don’t understand this part. Why would it be an illegal theme? I see it’s from a reputable source, with updates and documentation, which I bought and have a licence for. Is it because of the $0 hosting?

Is there a term and conditions I should read somewhere?

Thank you

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As long as you have a valid license from the developer, you are fine. Generally, people use free hosting because they can’t afford to pay (though there are exceptions). Buying a $50 theme when premium hosting is only about $5 a month in the lowest teir makes us suspect that the theme was not actually bought, but stolen (which is illegal, in in violation of multiple laws).


Ah, then that’s fine. I’m a front-end dev, and initially I wanted to make it from scratch, but then I thought of the time that will be needed and possible integrations that I might want to add later, so decided to just go for WP and get a theme that is similar to what I want.

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