Error #99452489 Please contact support

Error Message

Error #99452489 Please contact support

Other Information

I am unable to add CNAME and I am constantly getting above error

Hi and welcome to the forum!

Are you using any of the tools in the client area, or do you also get this error if you try to add the record manually via the control panel?


I am also getting the same error
I tried adding the the Record name and destination through control panel CName after trying the automatic method but still getting the same error

Hi I am not using any tools
Yes I am getting same error for manual too


Hello team
Pls update me once the issue is resolved

1 Like

Hi! I’m getting the same error :cry: . How much time aprox. will it take to resolve?
By the way, I’m new to making web sites, and I suppose I have to get the ssl certificate before installing wordpress, right? (I’m using a free subdomain)
Thanks in advance

I have exactly the same problem

Did you see the Admin’s response above?


Tengo exactamente el mismo problema

The hosting platform returned an error message while trying to process your request. Please try again or try making the change through the control panel. The error returned is: Error #99452489 Please contact support.


Just to let everyone know, the issue was fixed earlier today. Creating CNAME records for free SSL certificates should now be working again!


It works now.

it worked

Hi Admin, I didn’t get the error 99452489 again, now seems to be fine, and after setting de cname automatically I got the message “ok you succesfully requested your ssl certificate” (or something like that), and I had to wait for a few hours and come back. I came back and it looks like nothing happened, doesn’t show the “verify” button, instead I got the “request certificate” button and the “delete certificate order” button. Why is that happennig? I’ve also checked the verifification tool from Google to verify if my site has a ssl certificate, and it doesn’t. Help please! My site is (if i search on the browser for, I get an error message, if i use http, it shows it, but with the “not secure” warning).

Please screenshot what is shown on the SSL tool



Did you do this?

If not, please do it


Yes, I did, and I didn’t get the error 99452489, but after waiting the few hours, it didn’t showed the “verify” button, so I did click again on “request certificate”, and again I got the message saying “ok, you have requested seuccesfully the certificate” and had to wait again a few hours. I came back, and still doesn’t show the “verify” button, as if nothing was done.

Can you take a screenshot of the message that shows when you hit that button and send it?

There is no Verify button I’m aware of - I had a look at the video tutorial on the relevant article and believe you’re referring to the “Verify Domain” button, which I believe has been renamed to “Request Certificate”, what you are seeing.