Error 500

Website URL

Error Message

Error 500

Blank screen on iOS

Other Information

So I’m back here because since November the website is not working (I made a post and Herbert told me to wait but as it still broken after that long idk if it’s the same known error).
This happens with everything I install except HumHub, in the last post I said that installations from FTP works, but after some time I realized it doesn’t work too.

Can someone please help me? Thx

If you are seeing an Error 500, enable display_errors in the cPanel.


Sorry, I forgot to do such essential debug task.
Here’s the error:
Fatal error : Declaration of Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection::query() must be compatible with PDO::query(string $query, ?int $fetchMode = null, mixed …$fetchModeArgs): PDOStatement|false in /home/vol13_5/ on line 81
PS tried every Social Networking installs from Softaculous

I checked your site and I see you currently have Elgg 3 installed.

However, Elgg 3 is quite old already, which may give problems on PHP 8.2. It seems that the install package that Softaculous installs contains software that doesn’t work on PHP 8.

It looks like Softaculous already has newer versions available for Elgg, but those are not on our Softaculous server yet. I’ll see if those can be added.


That makes sense, as I remember I cannot change PHP version, so I’ll wait for the update since HumHub quickly uses all of the available inodes leading again to a broken installation.
Thanks for the attention!


Please note that you’re not required to use Softaculous to install software. If you want to use Elgg, you can install it by hand right now. It’s not that difficult: it usually involves just upload the files to your site, creating a database, and entering the details of the database during the setup wizard of the site.

Softaculous is even easier of course, but it can take some time for the new versions to be available.


I know, but the last time I tried doing this it took a whole day to upload GNU Social (or other SCMS I don’t remember), and my PC is not working right now so I guess I’ll have to wait.
My internet is not poor, I also tried to upload via the online file manager to unpack but it always freezes at the same percentage, also if I sill want to use FTP I have to be on the computer every 30 minutes because after uploading some thousand of files the server disconnects and refuses to accept new files until I disconnect for ~5 minutes.
Softaculous installs are not working and the circumstances are not good to use FTP (I know I can do it from iOS but I can’t keep the phone up for so much time) so as I said before I guess I’ll have to wait.
Thank you for the support, I’m not - in any way - complaining, I know it’s hard to keep all this up for free.

Do not do that. Using Filezilla will be a better choice


I tried this too, that’s when it took a day to upload. the problem isn’t file size, it’s file quantity.

Your network is most likely the source of your bottleneck.
Uploading a WordPress installation only took me 5 -10 minutes


it seems that Softaculous was updated, but when I install Elgg 4 this is what I get:

display errors is enabled

When I open the Network tab in my browser and refresh the page, I see a large number of requests that return with a 500 status code. Which tells me that there is probably PHP code running there (which it shouldn’t, they are supposed to be static files), and that the code is crashing.

A quick look inside the file manager points me to a likely cause: Elgg wants to have a data directory outside of your website directory. However, on our hosting, PHP code on your site cannot access data outside it’s htdocs folder, so that will not work.

To fix this, you can probably do this:

  1. Open the file manager and go to the htdocs folder of your website.
  2. Create a directory called elggdata.
  3. Go into the elggdata directory, create a new file with the name .htaccess and the contents Require all denied.
  4. Go back to the htdocs directory, and then open the file elgg-config/settings.php, and find the $CONFIG->dataroot setting, and update it to point to the new data directory.

The correct path for the data directory should be inside the htdocs directory. So if the current setting ends with if0_12345678/elggdata/, you should change that to if0_12345678/htdocs/elggdata/ or if0_12345678/DOMAIN/htdocs/elggdata/.

Now the website should work.


Thank you, Elgg is now working!


Website URL

Error Message

Fatal Error.

An unrecoverable error has occurred and has been logged. Contact the site administrator with the following information:

Exception at time 2024-01-04T20:28:49-05:00.

Other Information

Hi, it’s me again ;(

So Elgg was updated and now I can install it, and after fixing the config PHP file I can run the installation, but with some problems.
My friend tried to create an account, appears that she managed to create the account but wasn’t being able to login, so I resolved to delete the created one, re-create it by myself and give her a temporary password until I have time to search how to fix this problem, then I discovered that the problem is bigger than I thought, when I try to delete the user I get an error, so I decided to create another user with other username just to not leave her waiting for too long and I got other error (the same one, but the user was created) now she can log in but I can’t delete, ban, disable or make any change to an existing user account.
I started to search about this and even considered reading all the database documentation to fix by myself. Then I realized that I forgot to do a essential thing: read the logs. But for my surprise InfinityFree doesn’t stores PHP logs, neither does Elgg, so I decided to ask for help here before reading all Elgg’s documentation, also by manually modifying the database I would not be able to let the users create their accounts from “Login”.

I know you probably cannot help with something that’s outside InfinityFree’s range, so let me know if it’s the case.
Thanks for any attention!

Perhaps you will have better luck seeking help from ELGG forum?


I guess that in order to get help with Elgg on it’s forums I’ll need the logs…

Is your choice


I think you will need the logs regardless of who you’re going to ask for help. Right now, all we know is that something is going wrong. Until we know what that “something” is, there is not much anyone can do.


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