my webpage is
i go to my control panel the i click in wordpress to find out my admin as i use to… them when i click my admin it shows me error 404 and my web page is not working now… it always works until today… please help
Are you using Wordpress?
Yes Magnus im… thanks for your help.
What have you recently done which could have caused this?
I click on ssl control panel… then i request the certificate that the control panel give you. I didnt do more… then I whent to the other part in the control panel where I set up the domain www.9globalcreditrepair.epizy and the other just 9globalcredit how the tutoria showed me and that was it… i have been tring to get the certificate ssl for long time but it is some thing that cannt get it done…
What exactly is your Issue now? The 404 Error or the SSL Certificate?
both but i m glad if you can get my webpage run because i m calling customer and they can atleast see my webpage while i get time to work on it.
I would recommend you get a custom domain and use Cloudflare for SSL.
Tutorial: How to get SSL on custom domains (Guide) - #21 by Ergastolator1
Custom Domain:
You can get paid domains here and free domains here. Once you have one set it up to point to InfinityFree:
thank you. but there is some way to get my web page back mind while?
You can add the domain as an addon domain and then change the URL to your WordPress installation in the installation settings in auto installer.
thanks… but i never installed wordpress in my computer I done everything online… before my web page was working normally and I spended too much time bilding up this site. I was doing step by step because i m not professional on this. but to be honest i cant go further just to get back my webpage to keep going… i feel frustrated.
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