Entry Process limits always blocking

I am constantly being blocked by the Entry Process limits.
I know this is an action that you have in place, but I do not understand why. This is because I had a problem before and I was doing my website in Infinityfree on the link: fugirpt.infinityfreeapp.com and I was never blocked. And now I am re-doing the site hosted on InfinityFree as well but on the fugir.blog domain. And I am constantly being blocked and I wanted to know why?

Thank you

Hi Fugirpt,

From inspection, your website is loading JavaScript code in a manner that’s very suspiciously matching patterns of a type of malicious activity that I know involves adblock detection and tracking.

This is your website code that gets loaded. It contains a JWT that remarks the visitor’s IP address.

<!doctype html>
<html data-adblockkey="MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBANDrp2lz7AOmADaN8tA50LsWcjLFyQFcb/P2Txc58oYOeILb3vBw7J6f4pamkAQVSQuqYsKx3YzdUHCvbVZvFUsCAwEAAQ==_QvEtN1g76HuYXkjA+71ur7RDbnB4Al4GZUt6fRYZRAdoUuXf8bf0MNc9imoqdtiPogPO7g0gOYmbZjA0q77Q/Q==" lang="en" style="background: #2B2B2B;">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="icon" href="">
    <link rel="preconnect" href="https://www.google.com" crossorigin>
<div id="target" style="opacity: 0"></div>
<script>window.park = "eyJ1dWlkIjoiM2U2MDFiYWYtMzk1MS00ZDU3LThmZDMtZGRiYWU1MWY0ZTU2IiwicGFnZV90aW1lIjoxNzEzMjg4MDMzLCJwYWdlX3VybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9mdWdpcnB0LmluZmluaXR5ZnJlZWFwcC5jb20vIiwicGFnZV9tZXRob2QiOiJHRVQiLCJwYWdlX3JlcXVlc3QiOnt9LCJwYWdlX2hlYWRlcnMiOnt9LCJob3N0IjoiZnVnaXJwdC5pbmZpbml0eWZyZWVhcHAuY29tIiwiaXAiOiIxMDQuMjguMjE1LjY4In0K";</script>
<script src="/bgnjVTUGv.js"></script>

Decrypted JWT content.

  "uuid": "3e601baf-3951-4d57-8fd3-ddbae51f4e56",
  "page_time": 1713288033,
  "page_url": "http://fugirpt.infinityfreeapp.com/",
  "page_method": "GET",
  "page_request": {},
  "page_headers": {},
  "host": "fugirpt.infinityfreeapp.com",
  "ip": "",
  "alg": "HS256"

Your JavaScript content at /bgnjVTUGv.js also reveals the intention of the application being an ad-tracking based redirection page. The source code also aggressively make multiple attempts to POST, create cookies and uploading local information without any UI that is GDPR compliant.

If the above is not your content, please check your website as it’s very likely to be compromised.

CC: @admin


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Thank you for your reply
The only redirect that i have in the past is from fugirpt.infinityfreeapp.com to fugir.blog…

What is your advice to do?

The ads that appear to me are for a website is to iFastnet…
That i don’t know why…

fugirpt.infinityfreeapp.com loads up the content from the BODIS parking page. fugir.blog works fine.

Are you sure you typed the correct domain and the domain wasn’t removed from our system?

@chiucs123 I don’t know where does the code you got come from, but I think it is just the BODIS parking page code. And yes, everyone knows BODIS sucks, and apparently OP didn’t wrote these on his own.

BTW, Admin has pinging notification disabled. Tagging him or not doesn’t make a difference of this post’s visibility to him. It only matters if you want to make rich content.


Hi Frank419,

The ultimate link that is reached is http://ww01.infinityfreeapp.com/?pid=9POT3387I&pbsubid=b942b57b-9604-411c-82d3-87b270a28252&noads=http%3A%2F%2Fww01.infinityfreeapp.com%2F%3Fskipskenzo%3Dtrue .

I do not make assumptions, I see results. That’s why I specifically said:

Also, and I believe another community member has already pointed out to you very clearly on another topic:

I don’t see any value of criticizing other’s findings, just add your own insight would suffice. Explicitly, please do not ping me in every post that we commonly have feedback on. If you have something that’s constructive, post it as your reply.


You just proved my words. That’s just the BODIS parking page we use, which is a result of a non-existent domain.

I pinged you because I want to state that this part is for you. The another part is for the OP.


Hi Fugirpt,

I made this a separate reply to help you get info directly.

This seems not to be the case from my point of view. Would you please share what is hosted on your account from your perspective? The content of .htaccess or the index.php would suffice.

It appears that different content is served to different visitors, so it’s better to tell from code rather than assumptions.

InfinityFree is a iFastNet sponsored free hosting, so that sounds normal. But if you have previously operated the website from another domain, that might involve redirection settings that you may have put in place. If you share those as well, we can tell you more about what is happening.

If you find replying here too noisy, you’re always welcome to PM me if necessary.


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Not sure where this authority is from, but what gets rendered on my screen is a blank screen, not a parking page.

Completely unnecessary + off-topic.

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I don’t know since when the parking pages sometimes works weird, but that’s pretty normal. ww01.xxx is a result of a non-existent domain.

Also I believe your ad-blocker might interferes something, as I can see entries that might be related to ad-blockers in the code you shared.

The very same way of spliting replies with this can be found in many members’ replies BTW. If you thinks it’s unnecessary, it’s fine, and I won’t ping you any more.


The Domain Checker tool in the client area can help check the state of a domain, in our case yours:

Your subdomain appears to have been removed from your account, as it currently belongs to no account and as mentioned by @Frank419, serves the default parking page as a result. If you want to continue using it, you’ll need to add it back to your account.

As for this part:

The following article may help:


I checked fugir.blog, and it does seem to be quite heavy on the entry processes.

When I just open the home page, it makes only 18 request (which is pretty normal). But 6 of them fail with a 508 error, which means the entry process limit was hit.

I suspect that this is related to the fact that most of the images on your site do not work. Out of the 12 successful requests, 6 of them return a 404 page. And due to how WordPress handles not found URLs, each of these missing images triggers a heavy WordPress request. I suspect that this is what’s causing the high EP usage.

The best way to fix this is to fix the missing URLs. That will fix both your site and the high EP usage.

As a stop gap, you can disable the default WordPress 404 handling for the upload files.

To do so, go to the directory wp-content/uploads/ in your site and create a file with the name .htaccess, and in that file place the following contents:

RewriteEngine On

This will disable the WordPress pretty URL handling, and will make it so the not found images just use the default server 404 error.


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