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may i use the mysql instead of mysqli or pdo after buying hosting plan? may i change the version of php from 8.2 to 5 after buying hosting plan?
(other information and details relevant to your question)


Maybe yes… but why?


As you can see in all the plan comparisons list: yes, you can choose different versions of PHP for you site, including PHP 5.

And if you’re using PHP 5, you can also use the mysql functions, which were removed from PHP starting with PHP 7.0.

Still, please keep in mind that PHP 5 is severely outdated, and any software that doesn’t run on PHP 7 likely will be too. Expect many unfixed bugs and security problems that have been known for years. Premium hosting does support old PHP versions in a somewhat secure way, but you should really consider switching to software that’s still actively being maintained.


because i am too lazy to change the mysql to mysqli :face_exhaling:

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You do you, of course. But that kind of laziness regarding updating software is how sites get hacked. Websites are not set-up-and-forget, they require ongoing maintenance to stay secure.

And procrastinating the need to update your software to a new MySQL library for a decade is how you get a very unsafe site.


Pay someone to do it for you, mate!

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