Enabling free ssl


I am using the WP Encryption plugin within (Wordpress) which uses Lets Encrypt and I am Getting the following error messages.
Does anyone know how I can solve this (Also I know nothing about coding)

Domain Verification Failure:

We tried automating domain verification via http method by adding below files but your hosting server returns invalid, empty, noscript or 404 response when accessed as bot.
(Solution 1)You could try making the below files publicly accessible
(Solution 2)or complete domain verification by adding DNS records provided in below response log.



Response Log:

[20-04-2020 11:32:24] :
LEClient finished constructing

[20-04-2020 11:32:25] :
Order data for ‘dublinersalou.epizy.com’ invalid. Deleting order data and creating new order.

[20-04-2020 11:32:28] :
Created order for ‘dublinersalou.epizy.com’.

Creating HTTP challenge file http://dublinersalou.epizy.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/IlnN38PURQ7hJkhhb4yf2d601MTrgmn1hHxJhy5HhYc
[20-04-2020 11:32:29] :
HTTP challenge for ‘dublinersalou.epizy.com’ valid.

[{“authorizationURL”:“https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz-v3/4072271923”,“identifier”:{“type”:“dns”,“value”:“dublinersalou.epizy.com”},“status”:“invalid”,“expires”:“2020-04-27T11:32:49Z”,“challenges”:[{“type”:“http-01”,“status”:“invalid”,“error”:{“type”:“urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized”,“detail”:“Invalid response from http://dublinersalou.epizy.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/IlnN38PURQ7hJkhhb4yf2d601MTrgmn1hHxJhy5HhYc []: "function toNumbers(d){var e=;d.replace(/(…)/g,func"”,“status”:403},“url”:“https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/chall-v3/4072271923/xfwMXw”,“token”:“IlnN38PURQ7hJkhhb4yf2d601MTrgmn1hHxJhy5HhYc”,“validationRecord”:[{“url”:“http://dublinersalou.epizy.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/IlnN38PURQ7hJkhhb4yf2d601MTrgmn1hHxJhy5HhYc”,“hostname”:“dublinersalou.epizy.com”,“port”:“80”,“addressesResolved”:[“”],“addressUsed”:“”}]}]}]

Any help in solving this would be Great!
Thanks in advance & Stay Safe
Cheers Victor

Yeah, that plugin is not going to work here. The HTTP verification from Let’s Encrypt doesn’t work on our hosting. That’s why we built our own Let’s Encrypt integration with CNAME verification instead.

Which brings me to the obvious solution: please remove this plugin and use our SSL Certificates system instead to get your free Let’s Encrypt SSL. It’s the only Let’s Encrypt implementation which can be used on our hosting as far as I know.


Hi Admin.
Thank you for your quick reply.
I have removed the plugin from Wordpress and I don’t think I need to do any more than that to the site as the plugin failed anyway and the site is still working fine.
I will try to implement Let’s Encrypt and I know the first step is to get the certificate from them, I would then have to go to my C-Panel after that to set it up!
As I am a non techie and 59! Could you direct me with a couple of links on how to implement the certificate on my C-Panel and, if you have will it be the same as the C-Panel on any other server.
Thanks in advance and Stay Safe.
Cheers Victor

Just go to the SSL Certificates menu. The interface should be quite straight forward to use, and every step has links to articles with more information on how to perform that step.


Ok I will have a go and if I have any problems I will get back to you
Cheers Victor

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