(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)
I’m looking to link a Zoho email address to my site. However, I need to verify the site. Two of the ways involve using DNS, which is not supported, and another is uploading an HTML file. I can honestly say I don’t know enough about this. Is it possible for you to help me accomplish this?
(other information and details relevant to your question)
There are 2 possible methods (with free subdomain)
CNAME record:
You have to copy the CNAME record from Zoho and go to Control Panel > Advanced Section > CNAME Records then add those records and then verify.
Verify with file:
Download the HTML file Zoho provided, then create a folder in /htdocs named zohoverify and inside that folder upload the file that you just downloaded. After that go to Zoho and verify.
Reminder: if you are using method 2 make sure your site is accessible with HTTP or it won’t work.
Note: InfinityFree has a security system that prevents bots using JavaScript. Zoho's bot does support JavaScript, but sometimes it doesn't work properly, so it is not recommended to use method 2.