Domains, uk don't work!

Hi there, I have a problem, my website won’t go online with my new domain, uk from by or it doesn’t work anymore?
Is there a block like happened and in the past now is

You need to click the “Add Domain” button.


i did.
I left everything right when I open the site it appears office out of nowhere and another random 404 error that appears on the site.

Delete the domain from your account and add it back in, it was never assigned an IP.


ok :ok_hand:

This ip bro?

You did not


I just reset servernames was today now :skull_and_crossbones:

Ok i will test

I found out the problem is that my house lights went out and my modem power off, I probably had a problem with the website.
probably the ip address changed something else

I checked your profile and there are no hosting accounts on it. The domain is also not assigned to a hosting account.

To continue, please:

  1. Update your domain’s nameservers to and if you haven’t already.
  2. Add the domain name to your hosting account.

After that, please leave it there first. If the IP address doesn’t show up immediately, that might just be a little bit of setup delay or caching and doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with your domain. So if that happens, just don’t touch it for a few hours, and then check again.

If it then still doesn’t work, feel free to come back here. But if you do, do not first delete the domain name, as we won’t be able to help you if you remove all evidence before giving us a chance to have a look.


Ok i repointed

I will use hostinger or aeronfree as migration or transfer because I was unable to resolve the problem with InfinityFree. I will soon migrate to IdaInfinifyFree. I don’t want my domain to expire. I lost 10 days because of my problem, which I did wrong. I’m totally crazy and don’t know how to use a website.

Thx for helping me my brother :+1:

Jesus love u.

I’m very sorry to hear this. I’m sure that whatever the issue is, we can resolve it easily. But you do need to give us the chance to do that, and we can’t do that if you remove all the evidence before giving us a chance to have a look.

As for the alternatives you have considered:

  • Hostinger is a paid service, not a free service, so that’s not a fair comparison.
  • Aeonfree is basically a knock-off of our service. If you can make it work with them, you can also make it work with us.

If that was your goal, then you’ve been looking in the wrong place to begin with.

We provide a website hosting service. So does Aeonfree. We do not provide domain registration services. If you want to keep your domain, you will need to keep it with a domain registration service, and I can pretty much guarantee that you will need to pay someone for that. Domain name registrations are basically never free. You can read much more about that in this discussion: There is no such thing as a fully free domain?


Yeah same bro
I’m doing it wrong to use it was a failure I can pay to use other .com domains on hostinger to point to infinityfree, lol

I assume you used’s first year free deal? If so, that’s just free for the first year, and after that you have to pay.

You can then choose to renew the domain with, migrate the domain to another provider, register a new domain with or register a new domain elsewhere.

If you were hoping for a perpetual free domain, those don’t exist as far as I know. If that’s what you were hoping for, then it’s indeed a “failure”.


Thx now is work i’m using infinityfree now baby :sunglasses::+1:

The only thing I found strange was that the green message “added domain” didn’t appear, is that
normal lol?

Now can lock this Topic or leave the public for helping others people also?

Yes, that’s normal. It depends on the specific form. Some of the dynamic or multi-step forms don’t have this.


Yeah I agress thx :ok_hand:

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