Domain redirect to

Username: epiz_26248173


Error Message

The domain redirect to Special offer and Discount Coupon

Other Information

This is the basic info of Cpanel:

Inodes Used : 3 % (808 of 30019)
Bandwidth: Unlimited
Bandwidth used: 339 MB
Bandwidth remaining: Unlimited
Daily Hits Used :1 % (400 of 50000)

Why? Any specific reason!!!

Please check the recent topic list before posting. Because if you did, you would have noticed this pinned topic:

No, your domain is not suspended. Individual domains are never suspended by us, only the hosting account as a whole. And if that’s the case, it will show up as Suspended in the client area.

Your account too is affected by the ongoing outage.


Now, again working fine… ! But i can’t understand…! sometimes working fine…! sometimes suspended…!!! why ???

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