Username: epiz_26248173
Error Message
The domain redirect to Special offer and Discount Coupon
Other Information
This is the basic info of Cpanel:
Inodes Used : 3 % (808 of 30019)
Bandwidth: Unlimited
Bandwidth used: 339 MB
Bandwidth remaining: Unlimited
Daily Hits Used :1 % (400 of 50000)
Why? Any specific reason!!!
December 30, 2020, 11:37am
Please check the recent topic list before posting. Because if you did, you would have noticed this pinned topic:
Active domains redirecting to / Login Issues
Since December 28, there have been issues with the core databases powering the free hosting platform.
Because of this, you may see certain issues, including:
Domain names on active accounts redirecting (intermittently) to .
Domains showing “Temporary server error, check again soon”.
Login issues, notably “password too short” messages.
FTP and File Manager login issues.
iFastNet is currently scaling up database…
Same. My domain is suspended for no reason.
No, your domain is not suspended. Individual domains are never suspended by us, only the hosting account as a whole. And if that’s the case, it will show up as Suspended in the client area.
Your account too is affected by the ongoing outage.
Now, again working fine… ! But i can’t understand…! sometimes working fine…! sometimes suspended…!!! why ???
January 14, 2021, 11:39am
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