Domain Propagation issue

i checked with my provider they said to contact you
Error message
The DNS propagation status cannot be verified. Please contact your custom nameserver provider to resolve this.

What is the domain?


looks like it might have worked, it just sometimes takes a few (up to 72) hours to propergate. Plus clicking your link takes me to your site correctly


well when i click on verify in spaceship it gets me that error contacted the support team they said that’s an issue from your side

this isn’t the first time i link dns to my domain it gets me in propagation this sc in the post i posted is something new

Your domain name is using our nameservers and your website is working.

I don’t know why Spaceship is unable to verify the propagation status. But your domain name works, so I think you can safely ignore it.


it is not working i tried to install a script i installed previously on the free subdomain didn’t work is that because of the domain is not propagated yet in spaceship !

is the new domain’s sftp the same like the first subdomain’s info ?

I’m sorry, but I don’t see how those two things are related. Your website is working from here. And no matter what script you are looking to install, that script has no way to tell what Spaceship’s propagation checker is doing.

Our hosting doesn’t support SFTP, only FTP.

And every hosting account is an FTP account. If both domains are linked to the same hosting account, then the FTP credentials are the same. If they are linked to different hosting accounts, they are not the same.


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