Domain name problem

Hi and welcome to the forum

What does the word “Rika” mean?
I assume that something is written wrong and that you mean this “ looks like a fresh template to me,
means something that has just been installed and you haven’t spent much time editing it

  • if that’s true

Then the easiest thing is to install WordPress on
and then edit as you wish

instead of going the more difficult manual route,
like export DB (database) and files from
and then upload them to and import DB…etc.

Later you can always do a redirect (301 with .htaccess or use function located in the Client Area*)
so that when someone visits it automatically takes them to the .com variant

*redirect function from CA

And of course pay special attention to your Cloudflare settings

and read (search) topics on this forum related to WP and Cloudflare
e.g. WordPress and: SSL, certificate, redirection loop (Cloudflare flex, full, full strict, mods), etc.