Domain is again suspensed for no reason

Website URL

Error Message Suspensed

Other Information This domain is again suspensed for no reason, i have users and visitors… its a forum web site. pls reactive it.

My english is badly, im sorry for it.

(im using cloudflare and i bloced so many countries for protect ddos)

When I visit your website I see “Sorry, you have been blocked”, so I’m unsure if you are suspended. If you are suspended, please look at the client area for a reason.


It looks like you have something configured incorrectly in CloudFlare that is preventing people from assessing your site.


Hi Furkan,

Banning countries is not the only solution to prevent DDoS due to VPN and WARP existing. By using Cloudflare you already have the protection against DDoS without the country blocks set, instead, you need to enable “Bot Fight Mode” to prevent excessive bot access to your site.

Depending on how your configuration is set on Cloudflare’s end, we may provide more information if you opt to share/describe your rules here. I understand that this is sensitive so for specific parts, you can simply mention the category. For example, if you blocked US, it simply means you also blocked major ISPs that are responsible for global backbones like and you’ll have much less visitors accessible to your website.



thanks but we are support only Turk people.

yes i did blocked all countries

my web sites are active rn, thanks for all <3333

Please see this article:

Please read this article:


can i ask a question?
i have 3 domain ( 3 hosting ) in infinityfree, im not using a domain and no body is visit it in 1 mounth, is it can be reason ?

While accounts can be suspended for inactivity, our notification email and the client area will both clearly say the account is suspended for inactivity. If it’s listed as “abuse”, it’s not inactivity.


and those living outside Turkey with a Turkish IP, and not those travelling away from Turkey.

im bloced all Turk vpns

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