Domain DNS is right, Domain registered on hosting... Smth strange opens

My website URL is:

In domain provider is registrated domain and DNS servers stated: ns1_epizy_com ns2_epizy_com
(putted _ against dots for the forum messaging limitations)
On the other side on Infinityfree, added addon domain [my domain name, see top] with document root

Trying enter domain pass and see… smth mess. Whats wrong??

Your Domain Nameservers are not currently pointing to Infinityfree’s nameservers. Please change them


This KB article will help you.


I’ve registered own domain, but without www it routes to another host. After my domain parking the www. name was directed to infinitety hosting but without www still going to the wrong way.
After this I signed up to another hosting (000webhost), but still remains.
Now I wrote ticket to my domain registrar to help we solve it. Waiting… I think, here is an error in domain DNS cause of old history of the domain name.

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