Domain Suspended by Registry

So far, here’s the summary of this Topic:

On December 10th, 2024, the domain was suspended by the registry, taking all subdomains offline.

On December 11th, 2024, Admin informed us that they contacted Namecheap to resolve this issue.

The same day, Admin informed us that, while they are working to restore the domain, they are at the mercy of external/3rd parties involved.

Also the same day, Admin had informed us that Namecheap had contacted the registry, and are waiting for a response.

December 12th, 2024, Admin recommended that we don’t transfer our websites to a new domain.

December 29th, 2024, there was a notice of site inactivity caused by being down closing accounts. Admin was working to fix the issue.

Jan 1st, 2025, threetpot notes that it’s been a month that this issue went on.

Jan 5th, 2025, Admin states that the domain may have to be considered a loss. For the people who want to transfer their domain, admin doesn’t mind.

Over a week from this, we were contacting the registry to try and resolve the situation, with no luck.

So far, this domain seems like it’s a lost cause. We are still working to try and restore it, but this may be lost hope.

For help on making a new subdomain for your current account:

Note: Don’t create a subdomain using the cPanel. Many have made a mistake selecting through there. Use the Client Area.


Still can’t enable the suffix? I regret this and hope it will be re-enabled

Obviously, there are some people who like to create domain names from within the panel, causing problems that they need to correct

Unfortunately, this is beyond InfinityFree’s control.

The suggestion to not add new subdomains in the control panel was more about eliminating the possibility that you’d accidentally create one on As long as you double-check not to use it, you’ll be fine.


Let’s keep this Topic open, as it’s about to close. So far, despite my efforts, there still isn’t any progress. This situation is a saddening one, I know, but the advantage of free hosting like this is that you can get a new domain, SSL, and transfer your site (with a little work) all for free. We are all working to restore this domain, but it may be gone.

I hope this domain works again. I often come to check this discussion and its process. I haven’t transfer my databases and created a new website yet and hoping that this to get fixed.

@Admin Apologies for pinging you, but I am asking if you have any progress on restoring This has been ongoing for 40 days from this post, marking 1 month (30 days), 1 week (7 days), and 3 days since this has occurred. I am asking if there is any progress on restoring the domain, or if it’s gone. If it is, then we can silently close and unpin this Topic. If there is any progress, many of us would like to be informed.

Thank you.

I think that pings are disabled for Admin


Interesting. How can I disable pings?

That is correct.

Just like with server outages, there is no need to ask for updates. Updates will be posted and announced when they happen.


In settings (Not sure if it’s a restricted option or not). But I can confirm that Admin has pings disabled, pining him does absolutely nothing except show the @ icon in your post.

And to answer your original question, if Admin has a meaningful update, he will post it. Asking “are there any updates” is not helpful and just ads unneeded posts to the thread. If there is an update it will be posted.


It looks like the option is restricted, trying to set it doesn’t work for me.

I know that Admin would post updates as it goes, but this issue has been going on for a long while without a single update! Asking for an update after a long while of waiting breaks the silence, and usually something happenes. If there still isn’t an update, it worries many.

A quick question: If there is an update, and the Topic is closed for a while due to inactivity, does the Admin have the ability to open, update, and alert people?

That might work when the person your pining has say in the problem, but Admin has no control whatsoever about this. If you’re going to annoy someone, go to someone that can make a difference.

Admins, mods, and leaders can all reopen the topic, and (I’m pretty sure) all of us can also change the timer thing at the bottom if need be.

Be sure to follow the outage communication rules here on the forum, posts in violation will be flagged and removed.


wow, this domain has been suspended 2 months ago. that happened on january 11

Yep. Frustrating but totally out of infinitys control