Does not appear to have any nameservers configured!

Can anyone tell me why my dashboard is saying that my website “does not appear to have any nameservers configured!”?
I have created this website 20 hours ago. Till that time, there was no such messege. Just few minutes back, this notification came up in my dashboard. Is this because my website is new? Or there is some configuration probelm or what?

I am also adding few more screenshots to understand better. By the way, my website is working completely fine. It is working perfectly. There is no issue like dns problem or other issue while browsing.

I’m not sure why it says that, but your site does seem to be working.

However, looking at it, my site, seems to be the same

Personally, I’d try not to worry about it. As long as your site is working. Looks like it might just be something going a little funny on the back end. I’m sure it’ll be fixed soon.


yup. just asking if it is anything to worry about. website is fine

Honestly I wouldn’t worry.

I don’t work for Infinity Free at all, but looks to me like whatever code that does the name server checks has broken (at least partially). Since if there really wasn’t any name servers connected to the url, the site wouldn’t work, as your browser wouldn’t know where to go to find it.

web servers can be so much fun can’t they (insert sarcastic tone)

It appears that something broke in the client area this morning (EU) that resulted in many of the DNS checks from the client area not working anymore. This includes the nameserver checks, but also the CNAME checks for SSL certificates for example.

That issue should be resolved now.

To be clear, there was nothing wrong with your domains at any moment. The client area showed a warning when there was no reason to.


haha thats a phrase I’ve used far to often in my proffesional life lol.

glad its all working again now.

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