Do not drag and drop large files into the file manager!

I just wanted to make this post to warn all of you website owners out there. My 2 accounts have been suspended for ‘abuse’, and every time it was after I had tried to drag and drop files into the file manager… I do not know why this happens but it is very annoying.

Please fix this InfinityFree

  1. Drag and dropping in the filemanager is unrelated to any suspensions.
  2. If your using the same code, its probably an issue with the code. If its abuse, have you opened a ticket?
  3. We can’t ‘fix’ anything if you dont give us more info
  • What are the files doing?
  • What is your site about?
  • What is your URL?
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I guess It may not be exactly related to the suspension, I believe it just could not handle a large amount of files being added at once and thought I was overloading the servers. :confused:

That’s not it either. There are no limits to FTP use. There is a max file limit, but that will not cause a suspension. If you were suspended for abuse, the reason is your content, and nothing else.


It must be a script that you uploaded. Have you replied to the suspension and asked them?

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There are fair usage limits related to FTP traffic, but those are high enough you’ll only ever hit them if you try using our hosting as free backup hosting for an IP cam or something that constantly uploads data (which we don’t support).

The file manager itself is not monitored for abuse, but it uses the FTP server which is monitored.

But even then, uploading large files just results in the file being discarded, and uploading many files is no problem (it’s pretty hard to install a website without being able to upload files).


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