
Website URL


(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

Error Message

(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)
This website cannot be accessed. Check electro-gospel.ar for a typo.
If it is spelled correctly, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)
I want to redirect my page to my domain electro-gospel.ar
I did all the C-pane instructions, but it gives me the following error !DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
How can this be resolved?

What did you do?

This domain is not added to any hosting account

Nameservers are not correct as well


This is how the DNS is configured where I bought the domain.
Uploading: D-N-S.jpg…

Our nameserver lookup tool checks the nameservers that are actually published on your domain. If the nameservers published don’t match what you’ve configured at your domain name provider, please check it with your domain name provider, because then they may not be publishing the nameservers correctly.

Please make sure the domain name is only pointing to our nameservers, and all other nameservers are removed. Mixing different sets of nameservers is a recipe for disaster.

But regardless of your DNS settings, you won’t be able to publish any website on your domain with us until the domain is added to your account. So please try to get the domain added first.

I also can’t see the screenshots you published. When uploading it to the forum, please wait for the upload to complete before submitting the post. And if you do insist on using an image sharing site, please make sure that the image is actually available to us, and is not login protected.


Now if this is the correct link of the screenshot of my targeted DNS

I still cannot see the screenshot. You appear to have uploaded it to Google Drive, but not set it to be publicly visible. Can you please try uploading it to the forum instead? It should work, just please make sure the upload is finished before hitting the reply button.


I can see the screenshot, so I’ll post it to the forum:

@JoseRoberto-G, you will need to delete the last three entries in the screenshot you’re showing to be able to add the domain to our hosting platform.


But if I delete the last three (3) records, where do I put the IP of my page?

You do not need to do this if you are using free hosting nameservers


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