I have my website inside the htdocs folder, and have an index.htm but it tells me “no index file was found on your website” and I get a 403 error if I try to go to my website.
Did you do something with your File manager (I mean delete or move) Anyway Read this - Redirected to InfinityFree 403 Forbidden page
No, I just made the website, don’t have multiple domains, and when I went to upload my files, it told me to put everything in that folder so I did. I’ll read through the link you sent me again.
So can you please clarify me the “Folder” I mean the name of it. So again check the full forum topic…
By Htdocs folder, I mean, it told me to put everything in Htdocs, and I did. The index.htm is sitting there in Htdocs, and the system says it’s not there.
It has to be .html not .htm
You can modify the DirectoryIndex rule in an .htaccess file located at /htdocs to change this behavior.
Well I tried to upload an index.html, and now it won’t let me upload anything at all, telling me I’ve reached my quota or have been blocked by security. I’ve only uploaded a few mb.
Are you using the online file manager? If so, thats a known bug. You’ll be better off using filezilla to upload files for your site
I was. I’ll look into that. Thank you everyone!
Oh! My account was now suspended for abuse… I haven’t been able to do a single thing here, and they’ve seen fit to suspend me for nothing at all? I think it’s time I part ways with infinityfree.
Note that false positives can occur, open a support ticket to learn more and get your account reactivated.