Default Timezone

Screenshot 2024-09-24 201005
Im having issue with the time here
How can i set the time default in Asia/Manila?

Wow, great, you from Philipines ? Near me, I’m from Vietnam, you are my neighbour. Yes, very easy Time zone can change in here:

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Hey there SEA mates, i already change the timezone yet still displaying different timezone in mysql.

Here’s my code for insight

Change here and double check again, my site work verywell

Site is down for maintenance <---- You see ? This is the time in Ho Chi Minh City - Viet Nam (Now)

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yes it work but how can i save it in mysql? oh i know how to save it to my db but the issue is i have a function where it will check if the date is day ago then it will do something

So i need to deduct 24 hrs from the date the order been made
the solution you provide work but only for php it doesnt affect the current timestamp of mysql

You can’t change the timezone of the SQL server, that’s not possible because it would affect the thousands of users on that server.

Instead, you need to set the timezone in your PHP code every time you connect to the database server.


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