Error Message: This site cannot provide a secure connection
I created a SSL today because i tought i have to start all over with my website then i want to have all in.
So said so done.
When i arrived at the SSL thing, i came stuck. (Ofc)
I followed all steps, but when i tried to install the verification of the SSL (i guess its called like that) i had to upload the certificate and then i get the following: “The certificate you have entered does not match the current private key.”
So sure i tought i can’t be the only one with this problem and i searched the forum and found that someone else had the same problem but it was fixed but i couldn’t find what the solution was.
I tried to restore my password (Because for some reason it won’t work while i saved it on my pc)
but i don’t get a mail from Wordpress.
Does it takes a while or what is the problem?
i had a error today that i needed to change something in the wp-config but when i refreshed the page it was gone,
But when i checked that file it was different (like the account and the name of the database from what it was in the wp-config) Could that be the problem? (I won’t change anything without ensure that its the problem because i messed up to many times last days haha)