Database disappeared

Website URL

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Error Message

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Other Information

So I had created a database and upload an sql file to fill the database with my data. Today I moved over all the files when I visited the site I got:

Error establishing a database connection

Then I looked at my account and saw there were no databases anymore. I tried to click “Create database”, it asks for the name of the database and then I click Submit. It gives a success message at the top. But where the databases should be listed I see this:

List of MySQL Databases

Database Name Actions
No databases found on this account

I did have my account flagged by a bot earlier. I was told the AI tool makes mistakes like with my account and then they reactivated it. Not sure if this previous issues has anything to do with databases disappearing and not creating now

(other information and details relevant to your question)


Hello, and welcome to the InfinityFree Forum! Apologies for the long wait.

Based on recent knowledge of events, there is a MySQL problem (possibly outage) going on, and is in the process of resolution. This may take a while.


Based on the more recent knowledge than that, it was already resolved, and you can see the website is working.

We’re not quite sure what happened, but it appears to be fixed now.


thank you! I see it working now :slight_smile: