Custom Domain redirection error

Hello all,

I bought a custom domain from another service provider. Then changed the DNS record and gave as DNS. Then later, I have added this new domain via Addon Domains in control panel. After this, I uploaded the files using Filezilla which got sucessessfully uploaded.
Issue, when now i try to open my domain in the browser, it gets redirected to some unknown link and I get Google Chrome Security Notification.

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What is happpening? Does it takes time to DNS record to be updated?

What is your website URL?

That URL redirected me to a Twitter hashtag. Is that the domain name you’re trying to use, or is it the one you’re redirected to when you try to visit your site?

That URL had redirected me to, with some AdSense ads related to that domain (only for mobile devices), while that URL redirects me to ads. Are you sure the domain is available? If not try to buy it again, then point it to the nameservers and and remove and add it again.

Well , i have purchased the domain from 1&1 Ionos. Initially, it was redirecting to their default page. I then changed its DNS record only and point it to

May be should delete it from Infinityfree and change back the DNS record and then rechange the DNS to Infinityfee…

You had to change the nameservers, not the DNS records, to the nameservers! You can find a guide to change the nameservers on 1&1 IONOS here.

Your domain name is currently using the nameservers of, not our nameservers.

Also, the domain is not assigned to a hosting account on our system, and it is a domain name which was registered in 2003. Do you really own that domain name? Did you purchase the domain name from a domain registrar? The domain is registered with eNOM, not 1&1. So is that really the domain you purchased?

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Yes, I have purchased it from 1 & 1 Ionos. I am changing the Name Servers. See the attached screenshot

I hope this clears up that I am doing everything correctly.

I just created a new hosting account ( epiz_24127928) and then added the domain again. I hope this time it works.

Let me know if I am doing anything wrong.

I think I know the issue.

In this topic, you’ve been talking about the domain name However, you screenshot shows the domain The former is a domain from 2003 which seems to point to a parking page, while the latter is ready to be added to an account.

So please try to add the domain with the extra S to your account.

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