with the “.” at the start, but when the website is loaded the “.” is changed to “#” and the styles are not loaded for the elements that have the same name class that are in css file.
Possibly a silly question but what browser are you viewing it on? and have you tried using an incognito window to make usre there isn’t a plugin thats causing the problem?
Apparently @pereiragtiagos wasn’t lying about his/her problem on CSS. I checked the CSS file and I could confirm that there were some mistakes in CSS that resulted to errors in the design.
The dots were missing in front of each problematic class definition.
The style definitions for up and up2classes were mistakenly interpreted as style definitions for up and up2HTML elements. That’s why the styles for <h1 class="up"> ... </h2> and <h2 class="up2"> ... </h2> were not applied. The CSS assumes that the styles are dedicated for <up> ... </up> and <up2> ... </up2> HTML elements.
@pereiragtiago if possible could you upload your css file here using the upload link or upload it on google drive and share the link so I can examine it ?