Cron Jobs And MySQL Event Scheduller

Hi! I need do run 3 events on Mysql. I got a error message when i tryed to enable mysql event scheduler. Then i found here on forum an information who says i can’t do it on free plan, but to do it with cron jobs.
When i try it i got a message that cron jobs isn’t enabled on free plans too.

How can i run the events that i need on a free plan?

Not possible


Hi SauloCamargo,

For MySQL events, if they are not time sensitive (i.e. not something like every 30 mins or at a specific time), place the logics in PHP and have that handle upon the right timing instead of using the TRIGGER EVENT syntax in SQL.

Alternatively, if you have the time, you can also migrate the time sensitive ones to a dedicated page that only you can access then trigger the logic from there also using PHP.

It is also possible to implement it so that every page load checks for the last run time and if it exceeds a certain period, you run the event logic, however this method is much less reliable as your visitors might not visit on time/at all during a day.

Let me know if this helps. :slight_smile:



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