Hey everyone, I’m hosting my site on InfinityFree, and I noticed it has a security system that requires JavaScript verification and most of my users get this message upon accessing my website, I have custom domain cloudflare Integrated, but still they get this security challenge. I’m wondering if this could cause issues with Google AdSense ads not showing properly or Google Search Console not being able to crawl and index my site. Does anyone know if this affects AdSense and search rankings, and if there’s any way to fix it? Thanks!
I don’t believe it affects AdSense, but you would have to test it to be 100% sure.
The Security System, enforced and non-removable, shouldn’t affect Google AdSense and Google Search Console. While I don’t use Google AdSense, I use the Google Search Console and Google Analytics, and they are both unaffected.
Some time ago, this security system was exempt for sites using Cloudflare. However, after a recent change made by iFastNet (the provider of InfinityFree), it will now also show this javascript challenge to Cloudflare-proxied sites.
Read some posts from this topic if you want to understand why this change happened:
Thanks for the info! So does this mean Google AdSense and Googlebot will also face this JavaScript challenge? If they can’t pass it, won’t that cause issues with ad serving and search indexing? Is there any way to allow these verified bots to bypass the challenge? Otherwise, this could create problems for many sites using InfinityFree
For the record this works the other way around, your site making requests to GA. It’s not affected in the first place.
No. Verified bots like BringCrawler (Or whatever they call it now) and GoogleBot can still access your website. They will work fine
Thanks for clarifying! Since verified bots can still access the site, I’d like to request disabling this JavaScript security for my account since I’m already using Cloudflare. Cloudflare provides its own protection, so this extra layer isn’t needed for my site. Let me know if this can be done.
The InfinityFree security system is mandatory for free accounts. If you wish to disable the security system, you can upgrade to a premium hosting account, provided by iFastNet.
The security system was originally disabled for Cloudflare users, however it was determined that Cloudflare does not provide adequate protection against bots and attacks unless properly configured.
The security system cannot be disabled as there is no way to actively verify your Cloudflare account is setup correctly (And configuration will be different for each website anyways).
Upgrading to premium is the only way to remove this system, as premium servers are more equipped to deal with the attack traffic that Cloudflare lets through.
I have set up Cloudflare with Bot Fight Mode, WAF rules, and rate limiting to block harmful bots while allowing Google and AdSense Bots. The Cloudflare is effectively blocking threats now. Given this setup, can you consider disabling InfinityFree’s security system for my account? Current infinityfree system is blocking Yandex webmaster, and some other platforms from being my website verified there.
Cloudflare’s Bot Fight mode is not as effective as you probably think it is, and in any case, its not possible to disable the system on individual accounts
Ok, Thanks for the Help.
No, we cannot consider it, because it is technically not possible to disable it for individual accounts.
And even if we could, please understand that we provide a free service, and we don’t have time to extensively vet your Cloudflare config just to see if we can make special configuration to help tailor our free service to your specific needs.
I know it’s not the answer you’d like to hear, but it’s the only answer we can give you:
This is just how free hosting works. If this security system is preventing you from using your hosting account for your intended use case, then you cannot host it on our free hosting. Premium hosting does not have this system, but you’re of course free to consider other hosting providers too.