My account has been suspended and I have been informed that I have reached the CPU limits, but my website is still under development and I have not yet officially published the website in any web browser.
I need to take advantage of the time to continue working on the construction of the website and with this suspension I have been limited and to avoid this embarrassment in the future, I would like to know what would be the best procedure to get around the situation in the future.
On the other hand, I would like to know if I migrate my website to a cloud hosting platform, such as Cloudflare, would I have exceeded this usage limit situation?
Thank you
Cloudflare is not a cloud hosting platform (with the exception of the pages platform). If you migrated to pages, you would no longer be using InfinityFree. However, I would be very surprised if you had a site that could be hosted on Cloudflare if you are hitting CPU limits here.
What do I have to do to recover my account and my website? Will I lose all my settings and all the work I have done on the website because my account is suspended?
What do I have to do to avoid this suspension in the future?
Your account will be automatically restored 24 hours after the suspension stated.
If you don’t already have one, I would recommend making a backup
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