Is it possible to copy a full website from one account to another? I managed to upload my website from my previous host to an account on IF, but I need it now under another account.
October 1, 2023, 10:12am
Seems ok. Just use ftp clients like Filezilla to do the copying.
Take note you may need to update your configuration files
If your website doesn’t use MySQL databases, moving your site is very easy. Simply upload all your files to the ‘htdocs’ folder on your hosting account with FTP or a file manager. If you have a PHP based website, check if it has any configuration files where a domain name or file path needs to be set. Update these values as required. If your website is using MySQL databases, you need to move the database contents as well and update the configuration of your website to use the database:
October 8, 2023, 10:12am
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