Well, I want to use infinityfree to put my api online, I’m building my website on it and I wanted an api to use externally in c++ but every request I make to the api returns this "
This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support"
how do I remove it? this is boring.
IF is not a API hosting service, you will need to find a different platform or use a custom domain with Cloudflare
InfinityFree is a website hosting service. That means that the hosting accounts we provided are intended for hosting websites. Websites contain pages that are accessed through web browsers. InfinityFree is not intended to be used for file sharing, API hosting, database hosting or background tasks/tools.
To help enforce this, free hosting enforces a security system that makes sure that anyone trying to access your website is using a normal web browser. This is done by checking whether the web br…
Several people have told me that infinityfree is terrible in this regard. but well it was a shot in the dark. I’ll see another host then
August 16, 2024, 8:08pm
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