CNAME record is not approved

I have entered a cname record from zoho mail to my dns , it’s been 5 days since i did that and the CNAME is not yet approved, why? and what should i do

What is your domain? I remembered that free subdomains didn’t work on ZoHo.

Also please provide screenshots about the CNAME ZoHo wanted you to setup and what you had setup.


yes i have used a free subdomain with extension, is there an alternative to zoho that i can use with free subdomain with CNAME record ?

There’s a service called ImprovMX which should support subdomains.

You’ll need an active GMail account in order to act as a mail server which can then handle recieving emails, as well as sending emails with GMail “send mail as” option.


The Zoho interface isn’t really clear on this, but I’m guessing that the CNAME record should be setup for As you can see in the screenshot of our panel, you have setup a record for, which is a different name.

Please try to setup the Zoho CNAME record for instead.


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