How to configure CNAME to free SSL certificate on Godaddy
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I can’t post my question in the HTTPS+SSL topic, may I ask here instead? I don’t understand how to configure it on my DNS at GoDaddy. My domain is:, but I don’t know if I can then use it with my site on InfinityFree. On InfinityFree, my domain is: Could you please help me understand?
I’m not familiar with Go Daddy’s panel so I cannot tell you exactly what buttons to click or what all fields are called.
But generally speaking there should be some kind of DNS Records section. From there, you should be able create a new CNAME record. You should have at least two fields, a name field and another field (which could be called “value”, “content”, “target” or something else). The name field should get what’s shown in our panel for the name, and the value field should get what’s shown in our panel for the value. The TTL field is not that important, but the lower the better for this purpose.
If you’re having trouble completing these steps, please consider asking Go Daddy for help. If you give them the settings we shown in the panel, they should be able to tell you how to put that in their nameservers.
Alternatively, you could switch your domain name to our nameservers. Then you don’t need to setup the CNAME record manually at all anymore, because we can just set it up for you.
thank you but I don’t understand because it seems like I’ve already done it. However, I’m wondering because my domain is: Should I do something else? On InfinityFree, the domain is listed as
Finally i don’t want to use godday and my official ssl, i use it to my project for world community.
I want just use ssl with